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IPAC 2013 Innovations in Assessment Award

09 Jan 2013 12:30 PM | Anonymous

The International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC) is pleased to announce that nominations for the 2013 Innovations in Assessment Award will be accepted starting April 15 through May 12, 2013. This award recognizes an individual or a work group for the development of an innovative personnel assessment tool, the use of an existing assessment tool in an innovative manner, or general innovations in assessment policies or procedures which resulted in improved effectiveness, efficiencies, or cost savings. You can nominate someone in our field who has developed an innovative tool or technique. Individuals and work teams are invited to nominate themselves as well.

The Innovations in Assessment Award will be presented formally at the IPAC Conference to be held July 21-24 in Columbus, Ohio. The winner will receive an engraved plaque to commemorate the accomplishment, the opportunity to present a paper about the innovation at the IPAC conference, and a waiver of the conference registration fee for one person. In addition, award recipient(s) will be invited to share their innovation with the IPAC membership in a future issue of the Assessment Council News.

Detailed information and a nomination form for the IPAC Innovations in Assessment Award is available in either Microsoft Word or PDF format. For more information about the award, please e-mail Dr. Warren Bobrow at

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