DCI Selection and Assessment - Senior Consultant

21 Apr 2022 5:04 PM | Kristen Pryor

About DCI: 
DCI Consulting Group is a Human Resources (HR) Risk Management company. Our company was built on the principle that “what gets measured, gets done.” Our clients understand the critical importance of using data-driven analytics, principles of human science, software solutions, and actionable strategies to build more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces. The transformational outcomes help them to maximize workplace successes and relationships, ultimately resulting in their employees reaching their full potential without any obstacles to success. 

About the Job:  (Position Location: Washington, DC or Remote) 
We are looking for a new HR Senior Consultant to join our Employment & Litigation Support (ELS) Division, within the Employee Selection and Assessment practice area! The ELS division is staffed by I/O Psychologists and Labor Economists and is organized into practice areas related to Employee Selection and Assessment, Workforce and EEO Analytics, and Litigation Support. We partner with our clients to design state of the science employee selection systems, evaluate workforce systems and processes, and ensure applied research is considered in the context of applicable state and federal laws and regulations. 


Within the Employee Selection and Assessment practice area, common services include conducting work analysis research for a wide variety of purposes, developing and validating employee selection procedures, and evaluating hiring, compensation, promotion, and performance measurement processes and outcomes across a range of dimensions. 

Apply here: https://dciconsult.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=49