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Human Resources practitioners face a variety of options and considerations when developing assessments for making employee selection and promotion decisions. This workshop will demonstrate steps and critical decision points involved in building such assessments. Attendees will hear practical advice for developing a testing plan, identifying constructs to measure, and determining the most appropriate testing methods. Next, the workshop will cover steps for test content development, including best practices for item development and ensuring job-relatedness. The workshop will go into greater depth on the development of two valid and widely-used assessment types, job knowledge tests and virtual situational judgement simulations, including opportunities for attendees to practice developing test content. The workshop will end with processes for collecting content validation evidence and piloting assessments. This workshop is designed for practitioners in the field charged with implementing assessments in their organizations, and will focus on the challenges and trade-offs practitioners leading these efforts may face, along with procedures for developing high-quality, job-related test content. Tip sheets and templates will be provided.
This workshop has been approved for 2.5 continuing education credits by both SHRM and HRCI.